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"A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great."

Proverbs 18:16

Sponsoring a Sunday is as easy as:


Filling out this form
Begin here to Sponsor a Sunday for $500, support ongoing worship services, and celebrate someone or something important to you!


I am paying my $500 sponsorship by

Thank you for your sponsorship request!

Please continue to step 2.


Making your payment

By Check

Make a $500 check out to "Bismarck UCC" and write  "Sponsor - date" in the memo

Mail your check to

​Bismarck UCC

1200 E Highland Acres Rd

Bismarck, ND 58501

By PayPal

Click the donate button

and pay securely online


Accepting our gratitude!

Have we told you recently that you are a blessing?  You are!  And not just to Bismarck UCC, but also to the widow who looks forward to reconnecting with their church family every week, the addict who knows they have a loving place to support them, the family wanting to raise their children in a community of faith, the retiree who is revitalized through service with others, the couple looking to grow in faith together, and so many others.  Thank you for being part of creating a loving worship space for them and you!

Gifts like yours give people hope; and because of that we can't wait to share why you sponsored a Sunday with everyone who joins worship and reads the monthly church newsletter (~200 households) on the date you chose!

Bismarck UCC Group Photo
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